Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writing Lesson Plan - Fictional Narrative

How difficult is it to create a picture with words? Turns out, very. The 6th graders in my class struggled as they attempted to compose a fictional story. One of the main obstacles they faced was word choice including the use of vivid and striking vocabulary to paint an image for their readers.

Before we get any further with the writing process, I needed the students to see the importance of word choice. As a story writer, each student only has the words to rely on in conveying the intended message. Feelings, mood, setting, surroundings, etc. Everything is delivered to the readers via words. Therefore, the class proceeded with the following activity.

Fictional Narrative: Creating Imagery


Students will learn to write a fictional narrative story, including all the necessary techniques that make a story lively and interesting. They will learn the difficulty of the activity.

Specific Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to create vivid images with words in writing so that readers can visualize exactly the picture the writer hoped to have painted.

Each student will practice on descriptive word usage, which will help them paint a picture in their readers’ minds.


imagery, word choice


sample writing, Lord of the Flies book, vivid and dull images, identical pictures – colored and grayscale.



· Show a black and white image, and ask students to describe it. The teacher takes notes.

· Next, show an identical picture in color, and ask students to describe it. The teacher takes notes.

· Compare the two sets of notes, discuss the difference. Ask students: Was it harder or easier to describe the color picture? For which picture were you able to use more descriptive words?

During Lesson

1. Activity: put students into pairs, one is the describer and one is the drawer. Give each describer a picture with a vivid image, and keep it from the drawer. The describer describes the image to the drawer, and the drawer draws. At the end of the activity, bring group back together.

2. Compare the final product with the image and ask students make comments – Do the pictures match exactly? What part of the pictures was especially difficult to describe? What words did you use to describe the images? When the drawer did not understand a description, what was the general problem?

3. Teacher reads aloud the sample writing from a student in the previous year. Note that the writing assignments are not exactly the same, but the genre and expectations are.

4. Ask students to pay attention to: word choices that stand out and use of imagery. Write down specific examples.


· Clarify some important points: create imagery, the reader should be able to see what the writer is thinking, word choices are important.


discussion on “creating images”

Learner Factors – Differentiation, Modifications, and Accommodations:

· Make up a chart ahead of time. 2 columns – advantages and disadvantages for B&W and color pictures. Have an example already written on it.

· Demonstrate the activity. Have a student describe a picture to the teacher, and teacher tries to re-create the picture relying on the student’s description.

· Make an adjective word bank.

· Have copies of the sample writing for students to follow along while the teacher reads it.

Classroom Environment and Management Conditions:

· Students are paired with someone they work well with.

· Have students spread out and also speak softly during the activity to avoid disrupting others.

· Ask students to take notes.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Studies Lesson Plan - The Civil War: A Nation Divided

After a few Civil War lessons with my 6th graders, I tried an activity called Agree or Disagree with them. This activity was great at encouraging discussion. All the statements were deliberately left open to interpretation; therefore, many perspectives were raised. One important point to emphasize with the students prior to the activity is to RESPECT their classmates' opinions. This should be a calm and respectful discussion or debate.

The Civil War: A Nation Divided



Students will generate discussions with classmates based on their beliefs.


Students will be able to agree or disagree with other people’s opinions with respect.

Students will support their stance by providing facts.

Students will learn the difficulty in discussions, and accept the opinion of others with the understanding that it may arouse their emotions in some ways.


“Agree or Disagree” handout, agree/disagree/undecided signs, “A Nation Divided” handout, student notebooks


“A Nation Divided” handout



Explain the activity of “Agree or Disagree” and the rules of the game.

Put students in groups and explain that they can show the signs “agree” or “disagree” ONLY when the group is unanimous in opinion. As long as at least one person in the group feels otherwise about the statement, the group needs to show the sign “undecided”.

Use the first statement as an example for the first round.

During Lesson:

  1. Divide the class into groups of 3 to 4 students.
  2. Give each group a copy of the statements.
  3. The teacher reads out the statement, gives the groups 20 to 30 seconds to come to a decision and hold up a sign.
  4. Each group chooses one member as a representative to explain their conclusion, and the teacher facilitates the discussion, ending it wherever most suitable for the class.
  5. The teacher reads the next statement and follows the same procedure as before. Have a different student represent the group for each round to ensure all students have a turn to speak.


Ask students:

Why was it such a difficult activity for you?

What about this exercise that was difficult? Which part in particular?



Students’ discussion during the activity.

Teammate interaction (respect the opinions of others).

Homework: read “A Nation Divided” handout and summarize.


Adaptations (For ELL Students):

Give the list to ELL students a couple of days before the lesson, have them go over the statements at home and look up any unknown vocabulary words.

Have the list of statements in front of the students as the teacher reads them, this gives the students both visual and audio help.

Make a sample response in writing, for example, if you disagree, you would say I disagree because…(give a reason or fact).

Extensions (For Gifted Students):

Have a debate.

Provide a scenario or topic, assign the students their stance, and give them 2 minutes to debate over the topic.